1. Briefly describe what the electron does in an ionic and a covalent bond.  Which one transfers and which shares?


2. http://www.sciencekidsathome.com/science_topics/how_do_atoms_bond.html
Which particle determines how atoms bond?___________________
Which particle determines if an atom is an isotope?________________
Which particle determines which element the atom is?_____________

3. http://www.chem4kids.com/files/elem_noblegas.html
Explain why the Noble Gases don’t want to bond with other elements.


4. http://www.chem4kids.com/files/atom_bonds.html
Look at the following ions and come up with a definition based on your observations or patterns in a-d.
     a. Carbon with 7 valence electrons is a negative ion or -1.
     b. Flourine with 6 valence electrons is a positive ion or +1.
     c. Nitrogen with 5 valence electrons is a positive ion or +2.
     d. Boron with 7 valence electrons is a negative ion or -2.


5. Look at the ions above, describe or sketch which ones would attract each other below.


6. Look at the ions above, describe or sketch which ones would repel each other below.


7. Look at the ions in question 4, which ion would lose two electrons and gain a +2 charge in a chemical bond?  Explain


8. If an atom is stable and it loses an electron the atom is now _____________.  If the same atom gains an electron then the atom would be ___________.

9. http://www.learner.org/interactives/periodic/groups_interactive.html
Use the periodic table to name two ionic bonds, one for Sodium (Na) and one for Magnesium (Mg).  Find a non-metal for each.

10. http://chemistry.about.com/od/chemicalbonding/a/Examples-Of-Covalent-Bonds.htm
 Use the Periodic Table to name two covalent bonds that would occur with Carbon, and another one for Nitrogen (N).  Find a non-metal for each.


11. http://www.chemguide.co.uk/inorganic/group1/reacth2o.html
Name the elements that are most explosive in water, in order of energy and the tendency to give away electrons.

12. http://chemed.chem.purdue.edu/genchem/topicreview/bp/ch10/group7.php
Name the elements that are dangerous gases that most likely to take or gain electrons.

13. http://www.occc.edu/kmbailey/chem1115tutorials/oxidation_numbers.htm
 If Calcium has an oxidation number of +2, and Chlorine has an oxidation number of -1, what is the chemical formula for Calcium Chloride?

14. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chemical_formula
Count out the number of atoms for each element in the following chemical formula:
Two Sucrose molecules:  2C12H22O11  
C =____     H = _____    O= _____

Now you can test your skills-
Soccer- Atomic Structure
Heroic Ants- Atomic Structure
Ping Pong- Matter
Baseball- Periodic Table
Golf- isotopes
Crazy Chemistry game- with more than one subject

Create plastics